The mine is really called the Jubilee Lead Mine but everyone calls it the Scallywag Mine because of a road sign mounted on the ore bin with that name at the mine. One wonders where that sign came from.

The mine is more recently worked than many out in Death Valley. Mainly worked for lead and antimony; it has two tramways and a few ore buckets still onsite.
Getting up to the mine is a challenge. There is a difficult 15-foot dry fall to climb up in the canyon. It is quite slippery and will require someone to free-climb it first and lower a hand line or rope to others. Once above that, it is an easy walk up the wash to the ore bin. Getting to any of the upper workings will be difficult, if not treacherous, to reach. There were times I was climbing on all fours! Stay off the cliffs, and don't go beyond the ore bin.
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