Golden Crown Mine The Golden Crown mine is up at 10,640 ft along the Sierra crest in Yosemite National Park. The hike to get up there is a nice 3.7 mile and 950 ft hike to the mine right at Mono Pass. The views of Mono Lake from this high vantage
Santa Fe Mine Back in early 2012, Ed and I stopped by a mine in the Santa Fe district near Luning. The old mines in the district were discovered in 1879 and worked on and off until the 1920s. This mine was probably part of a larger group of mines, namely the Luning
Honeycomb Stamp Mill We stopped by to check out this three-stamp mill made by Merralls Mill Co. in the western Sierra Nevada. It is a neat find. You don’t see many three-stamp mills around. The mill was built around 1900 but never saw much use. It was electric-powered, and water was brought
Gunlock Petroglyphs We took a little side trip while in Southern Utah in late 2010 to check out this incredible rock art site I had heard about. My photos aren’t the best, but the site didn’t disappoint. The site is a short hike up a steep hillside, which is best
Johnny Shoshone Spring Back in 2012, we visited little-known Johnny Shoshone Spring inside Death Valley National Park. It is a place I’ve been curious about for some time. The spring is not much more than a seep, but what is interesting is that this was a summer camp for Johnny Shoshone, one
Bighorn Boulder Camp Back in 2012, one of my mine exploring trips got canceled at the last minute, so I suddenly had some free time on my hands. I decided to try to find a supposed arrastra and petroglyph site out in the Mojave desert. Arrastras are always fun to find because they
Stateline Mill Late in 2013, we went on a trip around Nevada and Utah. One of the places we stopped at is the old Stateline Mill on the Utah and Nevada border. It is a place I had wanted to check out for years, and we almost didn’t make it this