
Cary's Castle
Tucked away in the backcountry wilderness of the southern part of Joshua Tree National Park is a hidden gem called Cary's Castle. In 1935, at the tender age of twenty-four, a young man named Arthur L. Cary (sometimes misspelled “Carey”) moved from Colorado to the Coachella Valley. In

Grand Wash Cliffs Colony
I met up with legendary explorer Roger Mitchell to explore the Grand Wash Cliffs of Arizona. It was a surprise to both of us when we found an abandoned group of cabins tucked back in the woods. The cabins appear to have been built and then abandoned in the 1970s

Algonquin Mine
The Algonquin is an old mine. It was one of the earliest mines in Montana’s Philipsburg district. By 1877, it was being worked by a 10-stamp mill for silver with minor amounts of gold. The mill proved inefficient, and a new 20-stamp mill was soon installed. Reportedly, there was

Peg Leg Smith’s Inscription
Sometimes, in the desert, you can find what you are looking for.
It was already dark by the time we started our drive out into the desert. The sky was completely overcast, and the wind was howling. And after a few hours of driving on the highway, it started to

Bannack Ghost Town
Over the summer of 2015, we visited the fantastic ghost town of Bannack, Montana, which has been well-preserved and turned into a state park. It is similar to Bodie State Historical Park but with fewer buildings. Still, ghost towns remaining from the gold rush days are rare, and this one

Jayhawker Spring Petroglyphs
The Jayhawkers are famous for their harrowing journey through the unexplored lands of Death Valley in 1849 on their way to reach the fabled gold fields of California’s Mother Lode. They made it, but only after burning their wagons and ditching some of their possessions. They are likely the