Lonely Stones Petroglyphs On a stormy July day in 2021, I finally went out and visited the Lonely Stones Petroglyph site. As is often the case, it had been on my list of places to visit for years.
Sagamore Mine Camp Ruin The 2023 York Fire burned the camp. See below. The Sagamore Mine, also known as the New York Mine, was a silver, lead, copper, zinc, and gold mine. It was first discovered in the 1870s by Mormons who found rich silver veins in the foothills of the New York Mountains.
December 2022 News Well, it's the end of the year and I haven't gone out this year nearly as much as I would have hoped but I guess that is to be expected. I always want to be out more than I am! I have however done a lot
Hensen Well and the Pinyon Mine This hike is an adventurous cross-country ramble exploring a few historic mining ruins in the seldom-visited Pinyon Mesa country at the end of Geology Tour Road in Joshua Tree. Few people venture out here, which is a shame as it is a neat area. The mines below were at the
Bill Young Mine The Bill Young was a small silver mine above the townsite of Animas Forks. The mine never amounted to much, but it still has some interesting remnants. The mine was located in 1873 and was developed by a 250’ deep shaft. Levels were driven at irregular intervals, with a total
Gold Butte Mine (Mojave) Recently, I had a request to post my photos of this mine and camp out near Goffs in the Mojave Desert. I had forgotten all about it. I originally went out and visited the site in 2014. I found a few empty cabins and old cars in camp - not
Halloran Spring Petroglyphs Surprisingly, just off the I-15 freeway northeast of Baker in the Mojave Desert of California are four or five groups of rock art scattered across small basalt hills and along a sandy wash. The main site is right next to the freeway. And when I say right next to the