We got a tour of this mining camp in central Idaho from the caretaker who lives on-site. He was very generous with his time and was happy to show us around. I asked him why the name “Trump” was painted on the mill buildings, and he said: “You never know. He might see it and like the place.” Fair enough.
The mine was originally staked in the 1880s. Production from the early days is lost, but it is reported to have been a rich silver-lead mine. The mine fell idle soon after, and it wasn’t until the mid-1920s when a new mining company was formed, that the mine was developed in a big way. The three-mile tramway to the mine, the stamp mill, and the mining camp were all built during this prosperous time.
In the late 1940s and into the 1950s, a new company built a 300-ton (per day) flotation plant and ball mill. They were only active for a few short years, and the mine fell idle. This flotation mill is nearly intact and is the first thing we toured.

Overall, the mine was successful; over a half million ounces of silver came out of this mountain. We went up to the haulage tunnel up on the mountain and found it caved.