
Lemoigne's Wagon

This site took some searching and a few hints from a friend. At first, I thought this wagon was related to traffic on the old Skidoo to Keeler trail. But now, based on my research, I’m inclined to believe it was Lemoigne’s.

What puzzled me was its location off the old road as it is. The location just doesn’t make sense. A friend suspects that Harry Gower, a Borax miner and friend of Lemoigne, left it in its current location after Lemoigne's death for its protection.

I've visited the site in 2008 and 2020.

Also see the Lemoigne Mine:

Lemoigne Mine
Jean François de Lamoignon (shortened to Jean or John Lemoigne), was a black-bearded Frenchman who differed from most of the other early Death Valley prospectors; he was a well-educated mining engineer. He came to Death Valley around 1879 to supervise the Eagle Borax Works. Unfortunately, by the tim…

I'm not giving directions to the wagon to protect it, but if you find it, please leave it as it is. It is unbelievably fragile, and the century-old wood is slowly disintegrating before our eyes. Enjoy my photos below.