
Gunmetal Mine

I first visited this mine on a trip in 2002 with a few friends, and although I’ve been in the area many times over the years, it wasn’t until 2010 that Dan and I happened to stop by again to take a few more photos. I should also mention that the road from the camp up to the mine itself is a little rough with ruts and washouts. 4WD is certainly needed.

This was a tungsten mine (it also produced some minor amounts of silver and gold) that was first discovered in 1916. The early years of production records seem to be lost to history; a small mine camp with a few buildings developed below the mine. There also was a mill farther down the hill, but nothing remains of it now.

The mine isn’t that big or interesting. The real star of the show is the massive ore bin. Taking ore from two levels, it has three bins with a trestle. It is a fantastic old structure and deserves preservation.

Gunmetal Mine ore trestle