Corn Springs Petroglyphs
Out in the open canyon country of the Chuckwalla Mountains lies Corn Springs, one of Southern California's most significant (and often forgotten about) rock art sites. More than 600 petroglyphs have been carved into desert-varnished granite boulders over thousands of years. This was a crucial stop along the ancient Coco-Maricopa trail, a major trading route that stretched from the Colorado River to Redlands in Southern California.
The springs marked the meeting point of three groups: the Desert Cahuilla from the west, the Chemehuevi from the north, and the Yuman peoples from the Colorado River area. The petroglyphs they left behind, now protected within the Chuckwalla National Monument, showcase the classic Great Basin curvilinear style characterized by sweeping arcs and intricate geometric patterns.
Among the abstract forms, one remarkable image stands out: a paddle-wheel steamboat that connects ancient and modern desert history. The artist likely saw vessels like the Uncle Sam, which transported miners, soldiers, and cargo along the Colorado River from 1852 to 1877, some 50 miles east. For Native Americans witnessing these steam-powered boats for the first time on their ancestral waterway, it must have been quite a sight—one worth preserving in stone.

L: Archeologist Daniel McCarthy and petroglyphs. C: Paddle-wheel petroglyph R: Inside the Little Chad Cabin
Gus Lederer and the Little Chad Cabin
Gus Lederer arrived at Corn Springs in 1915, and over the next seventeen years, the desert reshaped him. Although he had only two years of formal schooling, his father, a well-educated German, provided him with a solid grounding in Latin, Greek, literature, and history. Yet, it was the desert that truly shaped him. During his time at Corn Springs, he became not just a prospector searching the rocky slopes of the Chuckwallas but also an artist and a philosopher who found wisdom in long conversations with fellow wanderers like his friend Frank Coffey. His Little Chad cabin, named after his mining claim, is perched just above the wash.
One interesting story about Lederer involves his morning ritual with his beloved burros. Every morning, his herd of 18 would gather at his back door, braying for breakfast. Known as the "Mayor of Corn Springs," he cooked each burro a fresh pancake and carefully distributed them one at a time to each burro.
To support this desert lifestyle and keep his burros well-fed, he spent six weeks each spring working on the cantaloupe harvest in Imperial Valley, earning enough to sustain himself and his burro family for the rest of the year. His closest friend, Frank Coffey, the self-proclaimed "Mayor of Dos Palmas," just a few miles over the hills, was a regular visitor. The two desert philosophers spent countless hours sharing stories and exploring the surrounding canyons, their combined herds of burros trailing behind them through the rocky terrain.
Lederer transformed this little corner of the desert into a welcoming oasis for travelers. He cultivated a vegetable garden near the palms, built a shower in the willows, and maintained a guest cabin that was always open to visitors. The guest cabin became famous for its visitors' register—Lederer asked every traveler to sign their name on the inside of the door.
Although he never struck it rich, he held several mining claims in the Chuckwallas. The Little Chad was just one of many claims scattered throughout these mountains, though like most, it never produced significant ore. Nearby, the Red Cloud Mine briefly operated a two-stamp mill at Corn Springs around 1900. There was also an arrastra here as well.
Lederer's tenure as mayor of Corn Springs ended tragically in December 1932 when a black widow spider bite proved fatal at his isolated desert home. His friend, Desert Steve Ragsdale, honored his wishes by burying him at Aztec Well, three miles up the wash, alongside fellow prospector Tommy Jones.
Jones, who passed away in 1924, was known as an opinionated desert wanderer who dedicated years to exploring these mountains. He and Lederer became well-known for their spirited debates about politics, rocks, and art. Despite their constant disagreements, or perhaps because of them, the two men formed a deep friendship.
From the small hamlet of Desert Center, drive east on I-10 for nine miles to Corn Springs Road, Exit 201. Turn right and then left onto Chuckwalla Valley Road. After 0.6 miles, turn right onto Corn Springs Road again and continue for seven miles to the campground. The last stretch follows a graded, high-clearance dirt road. Keep an eye out for petroglyphs as you enter the canyon—they're carved into desert-varnished boulders scattered along both sides of the road. Soon, you'll spot the California fan palms that indicate the oasis and campground. The drive takes about 30 minutes.