In 2010, I decided to return to this small mine I had first visited in 2000. It is still a pleasant and quiet hike to this little remote valley. I had come out here before to see a small and seldom visited miner’s cabin. Now, I wanted to see if it was still standing.

Outdoor smithy

The Bald Peak Mine (also known as the CB Mine) was probably built in the 1930s Depression era, but I found signs that there was a camp here long before that time. Information on the mine is hard to find, but it looks like it was a gold mine. One report states that the white rock on the hillside is a talc deposit. It does look like one from a distance, but I doubt it is talc. The main mine is across the canyon and consists of small workings with a steep rail tramway down to an ore bin.

Sadly, sometime between 2000 and 2010, the cabin blew down.

Once a cabin. Now it's gone. 

Also, see:

Skidoo Stamp Mill
Much about the history of Skidoo has already been written in various books and online, so I will only give a brief summary here: The fifteen stamp mill was quickly built in 1908 by mine developer Bob Montgomery (of Bullfrog mining and Rhyolite fame) to develop the gold ores of